Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hungry Man Fried Chicken Dinners or Kraft Mac'n'Cheese

Whenever my parents went out to dinner or to a party or something, I got to pick my dinner. For me, the most fantastic dinners were either a Hungry Man Friend Chicken dinner, complete with cardboard-like mashed potatoes, corn and that greasy delicious chicken. Or, a whole box of Kraft Mac'n'Cheese. Such comfort food. I can even see myself in the kitchen of the house where I grew up, putting the water on to boil, setting out the milk and butter to make the "cheese" sauce.

To this day, when I'm having a bad day and just want some comfort, I get that familiar blue box and eat up the whole thing, by myself. I don't get the chicken dinners anymore, but I really don't know why. Maybe my next bout of "my life is in shambles" (but not really), I'll go grab that Hungry Man dinner from the frozen food section and eat the whole up. Mmmm ...

I talk to myself

I have always talked to myself. For as long as I remember, I have conversations with myself, but as I think back, they seem to mostly take place when I'm peeing. I know ... WTF?

When I was in grade school, I used to go to the library every day after school ended and wait for my parents to pick me after work. I'd do my homework, I'd read books, if I had money I'd go over to Jack in the Box and buy a taco and some onion rings, maybe even a shake. One day (I guess I was in 4th or 5th grade) I was in the library with a friend and I had to go to the bathroom. I got the bathroom key from the librarian and went to go pee. I guess my friend needed to go, too, because she was outside the door waiting when I was done. She said "Do you talk to yourself? I heard you talking when you were in there."

From that day on, I stopped talking to myself with sound. Now I just move my lips when I have internal conversations while peeing, but it's all silent. Lesson learned: someone can always be listening to you.

Why do this?

I've decided that I need to have a place where I can put all my memories. Memories from my childhood, memories from school, memories from anywhere and everywhere. I find when I look back at my life, I have great gaps where I don't recall anything special or pertinent happening. That can't be right. I mean, every person has significant events in their life, right?

So, I've decided to write down memories, long or short, in a blog. I'm hoping that by writing them down, I can jog my brain to dredge up other things, and that over time, I'll have a whole lot of stuff written to see what I'm all about. I don't want to forget about me.